The movie was surprisingly humorous. Whoever made it
got the seagulls just right. Although Jana spent the entire
movie sitting on my lap, I'm not stupid enough to attempt
anything in a movie theatre full of giggling children and
their parents.
After we left the movie, we ate at Taco Bell, then went to
Wal Mart for groceries and other supplies. While roaming
through the food isles, my cell phone beeped.
"Hi Mark, how are my girls behaving?" I recognized my
"We're having a great time. How are you?"
"I'm fine. I'm missing my girls."
"Well, your loss is my gain. Do you want to talk to them?"
I didn't wait for a response, I handed the phone to Jana.
"It's you mommy."
Jana took the phone and launched into the sort of confusing
conversation that preschoolers have on the phone. I tuned
them out as I planned a menu in my head and picked out
the food I'd need. After about three minutes, Jana handed
the phone to Megan. As she talked to her mom, she fell
behind us. After a few minutes, Megan came up and
handed me the phone.
"So, sounds like you've been getting along well with the
girls," Laura said.
"They're wonderful, we're having a great time."
"Yeah, especially with Megan last night," she said.
My stomach turned, I didn't say anything. There was
silence on the line for a while.
"Look, Mark. I know about you. Of course I do. I love you,
you were always so sweet and gentle to me and I love you
for it. I know you would never do anything the girls didn't
I stayed silent.
"Honey," she said, "I sent the girls knowing what might
happen. Megan says you're very nice to her and she really
liked last night."
"Yes," I said quietly. "I would never hurt her, she's so
"Have you done anything with Jana?"
"Mark. Please don't try to fuck her. She's too little."
"Of course," I said.
With a smile in her voice, she said, "I know you're too big,
At this, I started to laugh. "I guess there are some
drawbacks to being big. But, I'm really not that big."
"You were always big enough for me."
"Still am," I said in a boastful voice.
There was another silence on the line for a while.
"Is it alright if I come down for the weekend?"
My cock went from shriveled to swelling. "I'd love it."
"Yes, I'm sure you will." Then in a whisper, "So will I."
The rest of the conversation was enjoyable but trivial. She
said she'd e-mail me the flight info and talked to both girls
for a few seconds before signing off.
Before checking out, I blew $120 on games for the
GameBoys. Then we stopped at a video store and rented
some DVDs for the girls.
As had been arranged, on the trip back Megan sat in the
middle while Jana sat in the booster in the right seat. It
wasn't long before the little blonde was leaned back, mouth
open and eyes closed.
It was quiet in the truck as we made our way up into the
mountains in the twilight. Soon, the radio stations from
Albuquerque were lost and I put on a CD. Megan leaned
against me, hugging my arm. The country and western CD
droned on. My anxiety and curiosity finally got the best of
"So, what did you and your mother talk about?"
"Oh, nothing."
"Come on," I said. "You used at least 20 of my free
minutes." I paused for a few moments, it was tense in the
truck. "Did you talk about me?"
Her voice was small, I could tell she was a tense also.
"Did you tell her about last night?" It was the first time
either of us had mentioned our lovemaking the night before.
She whispered, "yes."
I was silent. I sensed that she had more to say. I was going
to give her the time she needed.
"She said that you would be sweet and wouldn't do
anything I didn't want."
I was again silent for a while before I answered. "You
know, I love you and Jana more than anything. I don't have
any kids, I want you to be my kids."
Again, we were quiet. "Do you remember your father?" I
"Not really. Mommy says I was too young and I only think
I remember him."
"What do you remember?"
"I remember one day when he came home. He was dressed
in green clothes and had shiny things on him. He picked me
up and hugged me."
"That would have to be one of your earliest memories. He
died when you were three." Jon Phelps was a King County
Sheriff. Some jerk-off had killed him during a traffic stop.
At the time, Lora was pregnant with Jana. All the police
had to go on was the bullet and some tire tracks. The case
was still open.
We were quiet again, the VLA antennas came into view.
"Do you feel bad about last night?" My heart was pounding
in my throat.
"You made me feel real grown up." She paused for a few
seconds. "You treat me like a grown-up."
"I think you're a beautiful young woman. You're really
We fell back into silence and didn't talk any more until we
got back to the cabin.
Jana woke up when I turned on to the dirt road. We reached
the dark cabin and unloaded the groceries. I suggested the
girls bathe while I got the food put away. As soon as the
bathroom door was closed, I lit off the lap top and put the
cameras in record mode. Then I went back to the kitchen.
There was a lot of splashing and giggling from the
bathroom and, when there was a loud bang, I decided to
intervene. I went into the room to find the girls, still in the
tub, digging their way out from under the shower curtain.
They had pulled the rod down.
They looked at me guiltily as I put the rod back up and told
them to settle down. After I left, the giggling started up
again. Then Jana called to me.
"Uncle Mark, come here."
I went to the doorway, the two nymphs were still sitting,
facing each other, in the tub. Megan giggled.
"Do you want to take a bath with us?" Jana asked.
My dick swelled in my pants. "Gee, I'd love to girls, but
that tub isn't big enough for all of us. When ya'll get out,
I've got a special desert for you both."
I left the children giggling in the tub and went into the
kitchen to make up a cocktail for both girls. I ground ice
and Strawberry Margarita mix in a blender. Then I added a
couple of shots of vodka and a few whole strawberries.
Then I prepared three glasses with two scoops of
strawberry ice cream and, in two, added half-hits of ecstasy.
The girls came giggling out of the bathroom, wrapped in
towels. As they played at combing out each other's hair,
they ate the strawberry shakes and watched TV. I went to
take a quick shower.
When I returned, I beheld a truly beautiful site. The towels
had been forgotten on the floor and both of the naked
preteens were sitting on the sofa. The empty glasses
explained the relaxed looks on their faces as they sat,
mesmerized, watching the TV.
"Ok if I put on a movie?" I asked.
"Sure, what'cha got?" asked Megan. Jana seemed a little
more out of it than her big sister.
"Have you ever seen "Show Girl's?"
"No, what's it about."
"It's about a girl who wants to be a dancer in Vegas."
I started the movie, then pushed the girls apart and sat
down between them. I was naked also and, I'm sure,
Megan noticed the swelling of my tool. She slouched down
and hung her leg over my knee while Jana cuddled up
under my arm and I put my hand around her soft ass.
As the movie progressed, I put my arm around Megan's
shoulder and started to finger her nipples. She sighed
against me and my cock started to lift out of my lap.
"Your thingy's started to stand up!" Jana giggled.
"Here, give it some help," I said. I pulled her hand to my
cock and guided it up and down the shaft. Then Megan
reached over and helped.
I was in heaven. Here I was, sitting between two preteen
beauties, a fourth grader and a preschooler, having them vie
for room to stroke my cock.
"He really likes it if you suck on it," Megan said to her
little sister.
Jana looked up at me. "I'd love it if you would," I said.
She looked down at my cock.
"He'll give you anything you want if you let him squirt his
stuff in your mouth."
"You're silly," Jana giggled as she kept up the hand job.
"Anything you want, darling," I said.
She looked back down at the head of my cock that was
cradled between her little hands and chubby fingers. Then
she leaned down and I felt her small lips sliding over the
head. Her teeth scraped slightly as she took my bulb into
her tiny mouth. Nothing more would fit.
"Work it in and out," Megan said. She put a hand on either
side of her sisters' head and started pushing her up and
down on my cock.
The feeling was tremendous. This was the youngest girl I
hand ever had suck on my schlong and I was amazed at the
feeling of her tiny, thin lips and tongue, the slight scraping
of her little teeth was incredible.
I scooched down so I could watch her as she took my dick
head into her mouth. She had her jaw as far open as it
would go as she slid down on the bulb, then, as she pulled
back, she would close her mouth, sliding her lips along
until she was just kissing the tip, then she would slide
forward, opening her mouth as she went, and take the head
back into her.
Megan got up and knelt on the sofa next to me. She leaned
over me and kissed me as she kept her hand wrapped
around the shaft of my cock. Our tongues danced.
I ran my hand along Jana's back, sliding it up along her
shoulders as she sucked me in, then sliding down to the
small of her back when she pulled back. I could hear her
breathing hard through her nose.
Semen was building up and I started humping to meet her.
Meanwhile, with my other hand, I reached under Megan
and up between her legs and started to stroke her pus. I also
slid my other hand around Jana's butt and ran my finger
along her slit. I was surprised to feel how moist she was
and my index finger slid easily into her five-year-old cunt.
Jana moaned when she felt me push my finger inside her.
Now she was taking me in both ends and, as I humped into
her mouth, I pushed into her pussy.
My attention to Megan was beginning to get her turned on
and she broke our kiss. She straightened up, "Finger me."
I pushed first one, then two fingers up in to her. She
immediately started to bounce up and down on my hand,
fucking herself.
The pressure was becoming too much. "I'm going to cum,"
I said. I looked down as her little mouth again engulfed my
dick head. I fired my sack into the kindergartner's mouth.
She grunted as my sperm flooded into her face and leaked
around her little lips. She pulled back, her cum-dripping
mouth open over my cock, just as I shot another stream of
white goo into her face. Megan grabbed her head and
shoved her down, pushing my cock into the back of her
mouth as I fired another gob.
"Swallow it!" Megan hissed as she pumped her little
sister's head up and down on me and I fired more jez into
the little girls face and down her throat.
My sack was empty and I lifted Jana off of me. Her face
was awash with my sperm. It was smeared around her
mouth and across her cheek. A big glob of white was on the
side of her nose and smeared up into her eye to her
She looked at her sister and, with a pouting expression, said,
"You hurt me." As she talked, bubbles of cum popped
between her lips.
I pulled her against me and hugged her. "You were
wonderful," I said. I pressed my lips against hers in an
exaggerated kiss. I pushed my tongue into her still cum
filled mouth and smeared my own seed onto my lips and
cheeks. Her eyes where wide open with surprise.
When she pulled away she was laughing again, "You're so
silly Uncle Mark!"
"I just can't love my little nieces too much!" I said as I
hugged her again.
Megan giggled too, then leaned up and kissed me, smearing
some of my cum on her face. "Now you have to do
anything she wants."
I looked at the five-year-old, "Well, what will it be?"
She smiled, "Can I have another strawberry shake?"
"Oh God!" Megan said in an exasperated tone.
"Sure, honey," I said as I lifted her off me and stood her on
the floor. We walked to the kitchen and I sat her on the
counter, then got a dish towel and wiped her face off. "Do
you want one too, Megan?"
"Sure," she said, but her attention had been captured by the
I made the shakes, this time with no additives. Jana started
drinking hers rapidly, I think to wash the taste of the jez
milkshake away. I went in and sat down next to Megan,
handing her the drink.
She was still watching the movie. The scene where the girls
are using ice cubes to make their nipples erect was on.
Megan took her glass and rubbed it over one of her preteen
nubs, then giggled.
"It works," she said.
"Yes, I'm sure it does," I replied.
Next she rubbed the cold glass against my cock. "Does it
make that stick out too?"
I laughed. "No. Usually something warm will, though."
"Why are they doing that?" Jana asked.
"Because it looks sexy," I said.
Jana turned back to the movie.
I turned my attention to the older girl. "Hey, come here."
I turned her face to mine and kissed her. She returned the
kiss and I felt her tongue against my lips. I opened my
mouth and our tongues met. I reached across her and
started rubbing her nipple as she let out a long breath. She
took my hand, the other one was around her shoulder, and
moved it down to her crotch. Then, with both her hands,
she started stroking my cock.
I fingered her hairless nine-year-old slit, then pushed a
finger into her smooth cunt. She slouched down and spread
her legs farther. We where both breathing hard as we
continued kissing, both turned toward each other on the
This went on for a couple of minutes, then I felt Jana
crawling up on my hip from the other side. I broke the kiss
and looked down. She was watching me finger-fuck her
sister with the middle and ring finger of my right hand
while Megan moved her hands up and down my rock hard
"Are you going to put it in her like in the movie?" Jana
I looked back at Megan.
"Yeah," she said breathlessly.
Without saying a word, I slid off the couch onto the floor
and positioned myself between Megan's knees. She was
very wet, her fourth grade pussy juices made her mons and
the inside of her thighs glisten.
"Ok?" I asked.
The child nodded.
I put my cock against her crack and ran the head along it a
couple of times. When it was against the opening to her
vagina, the lips parted naturally and the tip of my dick head
slid between them.
I reached down and, with my thumbs, spread the glorious
pussy lips apart, opening her vagina, then I gently pushed.
It was amazing how easily my cock slid into the beautiful
nine-year-old. Megan let out a breathless "Ohhhh" as I took
her virginity.
Over half of my cock slid into her before I reached the end.
Megan looked at me, wide eyed and I started to slowly
slide back and forth, all the time watching my cock move in
and out of her. Jana was kneeling on the couch next to her
sister and watched her getting fucked with wide eyes also.
Megan put her hands over her head and started to slowly
hump to meet me. She closed her eyes and moved her head
back as she started lifting her ass off the couch with my
Her nipples were sticking up, little pink cones on her
boyish chest. I leaned down and ran my tongue around one
and she grunted, drawing a ragged breath. My jez was
beginning to build as I straightened up to watch her. With
every thrust, the fourth grader would first push her hips up
to meet me. Then, like a wave, her movement would pass
up her thin body, first her abdomen would rise just as her
hips started down, then her chest, then her head would be
pushed back exposing her throat.
As she would bring her chin down again, her hips would
begin to rise to the next wave. At the same time, she made
low groaning sounds. Her little girl pussy was incredibly
tight and smooth, squeezing my cock but, at the same time,
letting it slide easily in and out of her body.
She opened her eyes and looked at her sister, then reached
out and pulled Jana's face down against her chest.
"She wants you to suck her nipples," I said.
Almost immediately, Megan let out a loud groan as her
five-year-old sibling started sucking on her left nipple. I
had my hands on Megan's thighs and watched as my dick
moved in and out of her pus. Then I took Jana's hand and
directed it to her sister's slit.
"Finger her there," I told the child. She looked up at me,
then looked at how I was directing her finger to Megan's
clit. She knew what I wanted and started moving her
chubby index finger in circles around her sister's bud. Then
she went back to sucking her nipples.
The touch of Jana's mouth and finger was like an
electrocution to Megan. She started humping and
shuddering violently. I felt her pussy clamp down on me as
she exploded with orgasm. "OOOHhhh Goawd!" she
moaned. This put me over the edge and I blew my semen
deep into her tiny cunt. As I thrusted and spewed cum
inside her, drops of my white goo oozed out around my
cock. With a final thrust, I fired the last of my load against
the entrance to her immature womb as Megan's shuddering
subsided and her loud groans died away.
Jana sat up as Megan's eyes came back into focus. She was
covered with sweat. Her pus was covered with my white
semen and a little was smeared down the inside of her
thighs. She was panting deeply. I pulled my cock back and
let it slide out of her. It was followed by a stream of my
cum which ran down into the crack of her ass.
"That was wonderful." She paused, still breathing deeply,
"Thank you Mark." Imagine being thanked for fucking an
Jana was looking at my cum and pussy soaked cock as it
slowly sank. "Can you put it in me?" she asked.
"I'm sorry, honey, I think you're just too small."
She looked disappointed and pouty.
"Don't worry, I can make you feel almost as good-but
give me a couple of minutes to catch my breath."
Megan sat up and looked down at her cum filled pussy.
"You really filled me up," she said.
She put her hand over her slit, then pushed two of her
fingers into her slit, pushing some of the leaking semen
back inside her. "I could feel you shooting inside me. It
feels warm and makes me feel full. I don't want it to leak
I wasn't sure what to say. "I'm happy that I made you feel
She was such a beautiful site. Her hair was wet at the roots
from sweat, her body glowed warmly. Some of her hair was
in strings across her shoulders and chest where it was
clinging to her damp skin. Her pre-pubescent nipples still
stuck slightly up from her flat chest.
"Can I take some pictures of you?" I asked.
"Sure!" She started to get up.
"No, stay there. I want pictures of you laying right there."
I went into my bedroom and grabbed my digital camera,
Jana followed me.
Back in the living room, I took many frames of Megan,
lying back on the couch as I had left her. Most showed her
cum filled cunt, still covered with my seed. Again I had her
push her fingers inside her and more of my jez oozed out
around them. Then Jana asked if she could do the same.
Next came some incredible shots as the five-year-old
pushed her fingers into her older sister's vagina. Soon,
Megan was getting turned on again.
"In and out, Jana," she directed.
The little girl complied and started finger-fucking her sister.
Megan then had Jana start sucking her nipples again as she
humped against the little girl's hand. They slid onto the
floor and Megan reached up and started fingering Jana. I
got a couple of great shots, Jana on her knees, her ass in the
air with two of Megan's fingers buried in her puss. Then
Megan asked Jana to lick her.
The little five-year-old started cleaning the cum off her
sisters pussy, licking my jez out of the cracks of Megan's
cunt. I suggested they try a 69 and soon I had the most
intense preteen lesbian scene going. I changed out my
digital camera for my DVD recorder. The girl's sucked on
each other's pussies for over 10 minutes before they both
sank back, spent.
Megan fell asleep but Jana was wanting more. By this time,
my dick was again at full attention. Without a word, she
came over to me and started sucking me. I couldn't believe
how quickly I had recovered and, after only a minute or
two, I was ready to blow another load.
"Do you want me to fill you like I did your sister?" I asked.
The child nodded with my dick head still in her mouth.
I gently pushed her away. "Sit on the sofa."
She sat on the edge of the couch and leaned back into the
same position her sister had been in when I fucked her. I
stood over the five-year-old and pulled on my cock, feeling
the pressure build. Then I knelt down and rubbed my dick
head along her tiny slit, still stroking myself along the shaft.
Jana lay back and started to breathe harder, beginning to
move toward another orgasm but, before she came, I went
over the edge.
Just before I came, I pushed the tip of my dick against the
opening to her vagina. The inner lips parted to the tip and
my pee hole was perfectly positioned as I came, pushing
my sperm up into her tiny body, filling her vagina with the
little bit of semen I could produce, only a teaspoon or so.
But, it was enough to fill a five-year-old's womb.
"Oh, that's nice and warm," she said as she felt me flood
her vagina.
I sat down on my ass and watched as a drop of semen
leaked out from between her tiny lips and ran along the
inside of her thigh.
Jana put her fingers on her puss and scooped a small
amount of my cum onto her fingertip. Then she put her
hand to her mouth and licked it off.
"I love you, Uncle Mark."
"I love you too darling." I rolled onto my hands and knees,
then leaned over her and kissed her. The child put her arms
around my neck and I embraced her, picking her up. She
lay her head on my shoulder and I felt her yawn. Megan
was sound asleep on the floor.
I carried the preschooler into my bedroom and lay her
down. Then I went back and got her sister who I put in my
bed also. Next I went outside and shut down the generator,
blew out the lights, then crawled in bed with the two
sleeping girls. I went to sleep with Jana curled up, her head
and back against my chest and stomach. I was reaching
across her and had my arms around her sister who was
facing me, one of her legs over my hip, one of her arms
across my neck and shoulder.